Building Better Lives
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(828) 302-0293
Events / News
O’Charley’s – Hungry to Help?
Foothills Veterans Helping Veterans Receives Community Relations Award
The City of Hickory Community Relations Council recently awarded the Foothills Veterans Helping Veterans with the City of Hickory Human Relations Award for outstanding achievement and leadership in promoting human relations in the city of Hickory.
FVHV board member Ric Vandett, holding the plaque, and a few FVHV members received the award during the Hickory Latino Festival on September 24. Shown in the picture are members of the FVHV during their weekly meeting. FVHV meets every Friday morning at 9:30 at the Hickory Soup Kitchen. Anyone wanting to help veterans is welcome to attend.

Foothills Veterans Helping Veterans Receives Large Donation
The Catawba County Women Who Care (CCWWC) recently named the Foothills Veterans Helping Veterans as the recipient of their quarterly award to a non-profit making a difference in Catawba County.
Each of the women in the group pledges to give $100 to the non-profit. FVHV will receive at least $15,000 for the CCWWC. These funds help needy veterans in the area, especially in providing much needed dental care.
New Subcommittee Seeks to Involve More Women in FVHV

Rashina Carter and Lorrie Lawrence, seen here at the weekly Foothills Veterans Helping Veterans (FVHV) meeting, are spearheading an effort to involve more women veterans and female spouses of veterans in a new subcommittee of FVHV.
Anyone interested in joining this group (there is no cost involved) can simply let us know on the Contact Us page on this website.
Building Better Lives for Veterans in the Foothills of North Carolina
Tax Exempt 501(c) 3 Organization / Identification #85-1213574
Call Us at (828) 302-0293
Email : drvandett@gmail.com