Building Better Lives
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(828) 302-0293
Spring Stand Down Event 2025

The first stand down was held in 1988 in San Diego, California. The founders of the concept are Robert Van Keuren and Dr. Jon Nachison (two Vietnam veterans). It provided battle weary soldiers during the Vietnam War a retreat in a safe environment. Its purpose was for soldiers to take care of personal hygiene, enjoy hot meals, medical and dental care, send and receive mail, and enjoy the camaraderie of friends.
What Happens at a Stand Down Today?
Each year, the Foothills Veterans Helping Veterans hosts the Foothills Veterans Stand Down. Veterans come together at Catawba Valley Community College for camaraderie, food, clothing, medical, dental, and other services. Veterans are provided access to community resources needed to rebuild or enhance their lives. Veterans have the opportunity to connect with other veterans, veterans’ organizations, volunteers and service providers.
To host a successful Stand Down, a group of dedicated volunteers is needed, along with donors and sponsors, community support, financial support, and strong leaders with great organizational skills.
Forms for Foothills Stand Down Event
Stand Down dentist, Dr. Sahil Bhende,
helps veteran Ron Kana.

Building Better Lives for Veterans in the Foothills of North Carolina
Tax Exempt 501(c) 3 Organization / Identification #85-1213574
Call Us at (828) 302-0293
Email : drvandett@gmail.com